New! Land Use Harmonization Code Release
The code-base that was used to generate the LUH2 products is now archived and is available at Zenodo. The primary purpose of this code release is to document exactly what we did when computing the harmonized land-use datasets.
In addition to the code files, the LUH2 code-release archive also contains:
- A README file
- A summary of all input files required for running the code
The LUH2 code release archive does not include:
- The actual inputs to the model (these are not our own intellectual property)
- Documentation for running and executing the code (since it is not possible to run the code without the inputs)
The code that was used for our first land-use harmonization product (developed for CMIP5) is also available (Download). The primary purpose of this code release is also to document exactly what we did when computing the LUH1 datasets.
In addition to the code files, The LUH1 code release includes:
- Pre-processing scripts to convert raw data from HYDE and IAMs into format for input into our Global Land-use Model (GLM)
- Documentation that gives some additional information about the code-set (public_glm_release_documentation.pdf).
The LUH1 code release does not include:
- The inputs to our models (these are not our own intellectual property)
- Documentation for running and executing the code (since it is not possible to run the code without the inputs)