Data Download

Using the links on this page, you can download the latest releases of our landuse harmonization data.

Land Use Harmonization Mailing List Registration

If you would like to be included on email updates whenever we release new harmonized land use datasets or code updates, please register using the form below. Also, if you use our land use harmonization code or data for your own research projects, we would appreciate being kept informed about your work and possibly included as co-authors where appropriate.



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Land Use Harmonization Datasets
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Downloadable Datasets and Code

Each section below expands to show available files for download by clicking on arrowheads. Downloadable files with "u2" in the filename include urban land, whereas the files without "u2" do not. Also, files with "t1" in the filename are based on historical simulations that start in 1700, whereas those without "t1" are based on simulations that start in 1500.

The current version of our historical landuse dataset is named LUHa.v1 and the current version of our landuse harmonization of IAM future projections is built off that historical dataset and is named LUHa.v1_future.v1 (for MESSAGE and MiniCAM), LUHa.v1_future.v1.1 (for IMAGE and AIM). The IMAGE data is an update to the previous V1 data that was posted and is identical to the previous release candidate LUHa.v1_future.v1.1_rc3. The AIM data is also an update to the previous V1 data that was posted and is identical to the previous release candidate LUHa.v1_future.v1.1_rc1. To access previous releases of our data, please visit our FTP site at

For more information about the data, please refer to the readme files, and for any questions or concerns please contact us using the contact information on the front page.

In response to widespread interest and demand from the scientific community for additional information on the spatial distribution and implementation of biofuels in the Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs), we have created supplementary files for each IAM that provide fractional gridded information on biofuels. These files are in "release candidate" mode and are a first attempt to provide gridded biofuels information. With time, more advanced versions of this information should also become available.

Crop Types
We have recently created a supplementary dataset that gives the fraction of our 2005 cropland map that is occupied by each of four major crop-types. You can download this dataset below under "Crop Types". A README file is included and gives the details of our method for creating this dataset.
